Monday, 24 May 2010

Christ the King, Sophiatown

I note an intriguing report on the consecration of a new mural in this Johannesburg church, which replaces one painted between 1938 and 1941 by an Anglican nun, of which only photos remain (Guardian, May 22nd). It seems to have been more or less unreported in Britain, despite that period seeing the beginnings of much discussion and campaigning in favour of new art in England.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Penelope Fitzgerald

Rather belatedly, I note an interesting piece by Hermione Lee in the Guardian (April 3rd), in advance of her forthcoming biography. It gives tantalising glimpses, from Lee's work on Fitzgerald's library, with her engagement with religious writing, including Murder in the Cathedral and Bonhoeffer.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

The good man Jesus and the scoundrel Christ

I note an interesting response from Rowan Williams to Philip Pullman's recent offering, in the Guardian on April 3rd.

It is part of an interesting ongoing exchange between the two men: hear a podcast of the two in conversation in relation to His Dark Materials at the National Theatre in 2004, (and an edited transcript in the Telegraph) and an article by Williams on the same in the Guardian, March 10th 2004